Warrior Hound Dogs: Kicks of Choice

Press Release: Lacrosse Playground

As many of you may know, Summer can be monotonous especially inbetween lax camps. Some days there is just nothing going on so you chill in your cool basement, play video games and fiddle with your wand. Little do you know, Warrior designers can find themselves in the same position.

One slow day in Warrior footwear headquarters designers came up with stringing up Warrior Hound Dogs instead of lacing them up. They wanted to try something new and shake things up a bit. They strung up varying colorways. Mesh is strung to the sides like a piece of nylon in the sidewall of a head. The Warrior footwear designers are incredibly creative. They may not think much of this now, but they may have produced a new trend. Who knows…maybe that’s how the Hound Dogs came into fruition. View different angles of the strung Hound Dogs below. The designers may be on to something.

The stringing and color options are endless. Soft mesh, hard mesh, nylon shooting strings, hockey lace…traditional??? The Warrior footwear design staff wants to know, “Now that you have your Warrior hound Dogs, are you going to lace them? Or string them?” (Purchase Hound Dogs today at ShopWarrior.com)